What is the definition of creative writing?
The art of creative writing is one that encompasses many different areas. Novels, screenplays, poems, even nonfiction books can fit under this genre. Textbooks, journalism, academic papers and technical writing are examples that do not fit the category. A nonfiction book can be creative, even if it is based on fact rather than storytelling. The majority of writing is creative in nature. There are some people who feel drawn to the craft of writing and/or have a gift for it that manifested at a young age. If you're not a natural talent, imagination can be tapped and various techniques can be learned.
Who should take part in creative writing?
Anybody, really. Teenagers can benefit from writing as an outlet for their erratic passing moods. A journal can become like a friend, and allow the teen to pour out his or her soul with no fear of being punished or laughed at. Teen creative writing is another way members of this age group can express themselves. A writer of any age can get caught up in the story they are weaving and find joy in the process of creating. Often teens who excel in this area go on to become authors of some sort when they reach adulthood. The most important thing is the desire to write. The desire to put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, cannot be manipulated. The writer must genuinely want to write in order to be successful, otherwise it is close to impossible to do their best work. For the writer that has a burning desire to be nothing else but a writer, there are many opportunities. Some you may know about, some you may not.
Can I make a living at it?
Creative writing can be for fun, which is a great way to start and get feedback on your work. There are all kinds of online fiction sites that welcome submissions from authors. In many cases, the pay is zero. But, if a creative writer is able to break into the magazine market, write a fiction or nonfiction book that does well or sell a screenplay they've written, it is entirely possible writing could become a lucrative career. Writers' Market is both a website and book updated annually that lists all publishers and agents for all areas of writing, a must-have for any aspiring author.
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